Assistant Professor

Worked in a range of roles, as a language teacher, teacher educator, consultant, project leader, education manager, in Morocco, Spain, France, Switzerland, UK, South East Asia (Indonesia), Africa (Eritrea, Angola, Mozambique, Libya), and Gulf (Oman).

Deputy Director, Bilkent University School of English Language (BUSEL), 1992-96

Director, Bilkent University School of English Language (BUSEL), 1996-2015

General Coordinator, Özel Bilkent Primary, Middle and High Schools, 1997- ongoing

PhD: University of Surrey, Roehampton, UK (Curriculum Evaluation)

MA: University of Reading, UK (TEFL)                             

Maitrise: Université de Nancy, France (Sciences du Langage)

Licence: Université d’Aix-Marseille, France (ès-Lettres)

BA: University of Wolverhampton, UK (Economics)

RSA Diploma: TEFLA, British Council, Madrid

Research Interests:
Organizational Learning; Educational Management and Leadership; In-service Teacher Education; Language Education

Selected Publications and Presentations:
Atlı H.H. & O’Dwyer J. In press. The contribution of personal epistemological beliefs to uptake in in-service professional development: a case-study. Professional Development in Education.

O’Dwyer, J., Kantarcioglu, E. & Thomas, C. 2018. An investigation of the predictive validity of the TOEFL iBT test at an English-medium university in Turkey (TOEFL. Research Report No. RR-83). Princeton, NJ: Educational Testing Service.

O’Dwyer J., Atlı H.H. 2018. ESP/EAP in University Programs in a Non-target Language Community – Issues and Challenges. In: Y. Kırkgöz & K. Dikilitaş (Eds) Key Issues in English for Specific Purposes in Higher Education. English Language Education, vol 11. Springer, Cham.

O’Dwyer, J. B., & Atlı, H. H. 2015. A study of in-service teacher educator roles, with implications for a curriculum for their professional development. European Journal of Teacher Education, 38(1), 4-20.

O’Dwyer, J. 2011. Assessment in the Learning System.In: B. O’Sullivan, Ed. 2011. Language Testing: Theories and Practices. Palgrave.

O’Dwyer, J., Aksit, N. & Sands, M. 2010. Expanding Educational Access in Eastern Turkey: A New Initiative. International Journal of Educational Development, 30(2), 193–203.

Kantarcıoğlu, E., Thomas, C., O’Dwyer, J. & O’Sullivan, B. 2010. Benchmarking a High Stakes Proficiency Exam: the COPE linking Project at BUSEL. In: Waldemar, M. Ed. 2010. Aligning Tests with the CEFR: Reflections on using the Council of Europe’s draft Manual. Studies in Language Testing, SILT Series. UCLES and Cambridge University Press.

O’Dwyer, J. 2008. Formative Evaluation for Organisational Learning: A Case Study of the Management of a Process of Curriculum Development. Volume 8 in the ‘Language Testing and Evaluation’ Series. Frankfurt: Peter Lang.

O’Dwyer, J. 2020. Enhancing Learning Seen through an Alternative Lens. Plenary Session. Enhancing Learning through Effective Teaching. Antalya Bilim University, School of Foreign Languages, 5th ELT Conference, Antalya, March 7th, 2020

Atlı, H.H. & J. O’Dwyer. 2019. Teacher Epistemological Beliefs and Sustainable Change in Professional Development. Association for Teacher Education in Europe. ATEE Annual Conference, Bath Spa University, Bath, UK, August 14-16.

O’Dwyer, J. 2019. My Top 10 Lessons Learnt from Accreditation. Plenary Session. Current Practices and the Future of Quality in EAP & ESP. Joint TED University English Language School and IATEFL English for Specific Purposes SIG Conference, TED University, Ankara, May 24-25, 2019.

Çetin, L., Günaydın, E. & O’Dwyer, J. 2018. A Model for Effective EAP Outcomes: The International Baccalaureate Diploma Experience. 15th International Bilkent University School of English Language ELT Conference. The Future of EAP: Provision, Standards and Practices. Ankara, Turkey, June 29-30, 2018.

O’Dwyer J. 2017. English Medium Universities outside the Target Language Community: Experience from Turkey. 2nd International Seminar: Internationalising learning: English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI), Universitat Politècnica de València, March 30-31, 2017.

O’Dwyer, J. & (Prof.) K. Livingston. 2016. The implications for in-service teacher education of curriculum renewal in school settings.Educating the Best Teachers: a Challenge for Teacher Education, 22-24 August 2016 – Fontys University of Applied Sciences, Eindhoven, the Netherlands.

O’Dwyer, J., S. Altan and L. Bruce Özdemır. 2016. Classroom-Based Formative Assessment Practices in English Language Learning. Classroom Assessment. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference. Bilkent University School of English Language. June 17-18, 2016.

O’Dwyer, J., Y. Kirkgoz, E. Ustunel, T. Godfrey. 2015. To investigate trainee teachers’ perceptions about the quality of the mentoring and induction programme in their school. Paper presented as part of the Colloquium – ‘English Language Teacher Education Research in Turkey: A Collaborative Research Community reflects on the first 5 years’. Teacher Education through Partnerships and Collaborative Learning Communities. ATEE Annual Conference.University of Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland, August 24-26, 2015.