18 Sep 2018

Omair Mohamed

I graduated from the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) with a BSc in Aerospace Engineering, after which I worked for a few years in engineering companies in the Kingdom of Bahrain. I subsequently joined Bilkent University to continue my academic career.
Here at Bilkent I currently work on the stability analysis of thin falling liquid films. These films have a significant presence in a wide range of technological applications such as heat exchangers, combustors, cooling of electronics, food processing, water desalination, lubrication, rocket engine nozzle cooling, and harmful emissions capture. Forming a strong understanding of the dynamic behavior of these films is crucial to increasing the efficiency and performance of the systems involving them. My work involves studying the dynamic response of these films due to the competing phenomena (stabilizing vs destabilizing) which they are subjected to, as the state of the film has a significant effect on its hydrodynamic and thermal behavior. For example, studies have shown that heat transport across a wavy film can be up to 100% higher than that for a flat film.
I use well established analytical techniques and proven numerical bifurcation methods to analyze the governing equations to determine the dominant stabilizing/destabilizing modes and the critical parameters which define the onset of instabilities, in order to build an analytical/numerical framework which can be used as a guideline in the design of engineering devices involving thin liquid films.

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