10 Jan 2020

Ali Kerem Erdem

I joined the FluidFrame Lab in September 2019. My work is about developing low order modelling sessile drying droplets with particles. Sessile particle-laden drops deposited on a solid substrate are frequently encountered in natural processes and engineering applications. The evaporation of these drops leads to a broad variety of patterns. The fluid dynamics and thermodynamics of such evaporating sessile particle-laden drops is very complex, since the process is non-stationary and occurs in a medium with unequal temperature and vapor concentration, leading to convective circulation. The complex flow behavior resulting from the contact line dynamics, evaporation, the motion due to surface tension, as well as the fluid-particle interaction make the simulation of such flows a challenging subject. My aim is to investigate the impact of the evaporation rate, the drop-substrate contact angle and the particle concentration on the drop evaporation process.

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