03 Feb 2020

Gulce Bayram

I completed my BSc. in Chemical engineering at Hacettepe University(Turkey). Afterwards, I continued with MSc. degree also in Chemical Engineering at Politecnico Di Milano(Italy). I joined the Fluid Frame research group in Mechanical Engineering Department of Bilkent University as a part of my PhD. studies starting with the Spring semester of 2019-2020.
I am currently working on the project involving in the researches called “Active Matter: From Fundamental Science to Technological Applications” within the Horizon 2020 Programme of the European Commission. The main aim of my project is to simulate the active colloidal suspensions by introducing the mesoscopic Lagrangian model such as “Multi-particle collision(MPC)”. This topic is important not only from a fundamental point of view but also relevant for industrial applications to understand the disorder-order phase transitions. In the scope of the project, the studied phase transition is “Crystallization” which has a broad application range. The crystallizing fluid is a colloidal suspension in most of these applications. With the implementation of MPC, we aim to better understand the crystallization dynamics when the dispersed particles are active and particularly when the hydrodynamic effects cannot be neglected. Moreover, we expect that this implementation makes it possible to obtain detailed information on how the hydrodynamic effects influence crystal formation and growth.

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