06 Dec 2022

Luca Biancofiore

I received my Ph.D degree in Fluid Mechanics/Applied Mathematics at University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis (France) under the supervision of Dr. François Gallaire (EPFL, Switzerland) and Dr. Richard Pasquetti (University of Nice). During my thesis I spent three months as an invited researcher at EPFL. In light of my research contributions, I was selected as recipient of (i) the 2012 Göran Gustafsson Fellowship in Science (a competitive prize, awarded to three fellows after an international competition, in order to attract promising young scientists to Sweden), (ii) the 2012 Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship (IEF), (iii) the 2015 Imperial College Research Fellowship.

As head of the FluidFrame Lab I’m currently PI of three ongoing projects at Bilkent University:

(i) TUBITAK 3501, Career Development Program (CAREER), “Investigation of phase-changing falling liquid films sheared by a turbulent gas” 

(ii) TUBITAK 1001, “A theoretical-computational framework to model fluid lubrication”

(iii) “Hydrodynamic effects in the crystallization of active colloidal suspensions” in the framework of H2020-MSCA-ITN-2018, “Active Matter: From Fundamental Science to Technological Applications” 

Furthermore, I have been invited to give seminars at several research institutions such as Rome – La Sapienza (Italy), Weizmann Institute (Rehovot, Israel), ETH – Zurich (Switzerland), LMSC (Paris-Diderot, France), etc. as further proof of the quality of my research.


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