18 Sep 2018

Aida Abdallah

Significant research advancements have been made in understanding the dynamics of sessile droplets (that is, the inner physical mechanisms of the droplet and the deposition of solute particles), especially with respect to the effects of hydrodynamic forces, the environment, various properties of the contact line, and the interaction between the droplet and the substrate at the solid-liquid interface. Such studies are meaningful in determining the patterns of solute particles deposited on a substrate, as applied in printing technology, and a phenomenon called the coffee-ring effect. Also, it is useful for biomedical applications such as gene analysis.My research seeks to investigate the role of the flocculation phenomenon, which emanates from the interactions between the particles in an evaporating sessile droplet. I use a well-known population balance mathematical model for coagulation to design the flocculation behavior, and then couple its outcome with the dynamic equations of the droplet via the deposition term.I joined the Fluid Frame group at the Mechanical Engineering Department of Bilkent University in October 2022. Prior to that, I acquired a Ph.D. in Mathematics and Models from the University of L’Aquila, Italy. During my Ph.D. studies, I modeled, implemented, and analyzed (numerically) the flocculation and the floccule-settling phenomena of suspended fine-grained particles in a settling column. In addition, I hold a joint master’s degree in Mathematical Engineering from the University of Hamburg, Germany, and the University of L’Aquila, Italy; and an undergraduate degree in Bio-mathematical Science from the University of Ghana.

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