08 Oct 2021

Sarp Ilgaz Koç

I received my BS in Mechanical Engineering from Bilkent University (Turkey) in 2021. My research focuses on topology optimization for hydrodynamically lubricated interfaces, with specific focus on applications involving non-Newtonian lubricants. The main aim of the current research is to develop a suitable numerical environment in Python/Matlab to predict optimal topology for periodic interfaces, utilizing homogenization as the mathematical technique for simplifying non-Newtonian Reynolds Equation and increasing computational efficiency. The developed environment is expected to account for numerous non-Newtonian effects and optimize the micro-structure for important variables such as load capacity, pressure, and energy dissipation. This will result in a specifically engineered machine element with longer lifespan. My work is part of a collaboration with Dr. Ilker Temizer from Bilkent University.

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