By the end of the second semester you should be able to:
(a) Identify, explain, and discuss key arguments from a range of important texts
(b) Read and understand portions of assigned texts which have not been discussed in class
(c) Write clear and well-structured essays which provide close readings of the texts studied together with persuasive and informed critical commentary
(d) Respond appropriately and thoughtfully to feedback from peers and instructors on spoken and written work.
Given that the primary aim of this course is to develop your ability to read, think and write philosophically, considerable emphasis will be placed on:
(a) Reading and taking notes from the text: Identifying the key distinctions that are being made by the author, unpacking the different parts of the authorʹs argument, and identifying potential weaknesses in the authorʹs argument.
(b) In-class discussion: Using a process of question and response between students to help clarify and assess a problem, meaning, or argument in the text.
(c) Drafted essay writing: Writing is viewed as essential because it will push you to clarify and examine each problem or argument in sufficient depth and develop your ability to communicate clearly and persuasively with the reader.
The two drafted essays that you write during each semester represent the cornerstone of the course. Click here for a useful guide to writing a philosophy paper.