How to learn fMRI? A guide to learning fMRI.

We have two fMRI learning tracks; the fast track and the slow track. The fast fMRI track is useful for short term (1-2 months) interns and senior project students. For those who wish to get deeper into fMRI (Master’s & PhD students, postdocs, long-term interns) should check the other track.

Fast-track fMRI

In this track, you will learn concepts such as:

  • fMRI pre-processing on a basic scale
  • General linear model
  • Univariate analysis (beta values, contrasts, t-maps, f-maps and such)
  • Basic fMRI experiment design
  • Preparation of event/onset files using MATLAB or Python
  • SPM (Statistical Parametrical Mapping) toolbox

That being said, here is a list of materials which can be covered within 10 days that will bring you to a position to do basic fMRI analysis:

Slow-track fMRI

This track covers all relevant features of fMRI including the physics, pre-processing steps, file and database formats, analysis methods, visualization of analysis results, fMRI experiment design efficiency.

Advanced fMRI analysis methods

MRI Physics & acquisition


SPM Wikibook