Pre-processing quiz


  • Why do we do realignment?
  • What is the acceptable movement units? What to do if it’s higher than the threshold?
  • How can you check movement of a particular participant?
  • How can we make our realignment better? What parameter should we modify?
  • What is the output of realignment? How do we use it in GLM?
  • When should you realign to the the first, mean or last image when doing realignment?

Slicetiming correction

  • Why do we do slicetiming correction?
  • What does TR mean?
  • Why do you think slicetiming correction is important particularly for event related designs?
  • What parameters do we use while doing slice time correction? Check our EPI sequence and in what way we acquire our slices.
  • What happens in an interleaved slice acquisition? How does it compare to a descending/ascending slice acquisition?
  • Check what caveats there are out there for interleaved slice acquisitions (spin-history effects)
  • How long does it take for each slice to be acquired?
  • What do you think the reference slice parameter pertains to? Which reference slice would be better to use? Why/why not?
  • What is the output of slicetiming correction?
  • In our regular EPI protocol, how many slices do we take per TR?


  • Why do we normalize?
  • What is the MNI template? Why is it called MNI152? How was MNI152 “generated”?
  • In what situation do you think we may not want to normalize our images?
  • What is the output of our normalization?
  • The normalization parameters which we generate from normalization can be used to do subject space analysis and ROI estimation. What kind of parameters can we be using to do this?


  • Why do we smoothen our data?
  • When should we not smoothen our data?
  • How do we smoothen our data? What does the kernel size FWHM correspond to? On what ground do we choose it’s values?
  • What is the output of smoothened data?

Coregisteration / Segmentation

  • Why do we do and what do we do in coregisteration?
  • Why do we do and why do we do tissue segmentation?
  • How do you check if your data is coregistered properly?

Bias correction

  • Why do we do bias correction?