Carbon Nanotube-Based Nanophotonics
- Ultra-clean SWCNTs with enhanced emission dynamics:
- Two orders of magnitude longer spontaneous emission time (T1) compared to previously reported experiments.
- Measurement of exciton dephasing time (T2) for the first time in the time domain- 4 times longer compared to previous results.
It is published in Nature Communications and highlighted in Advanced Science News
- Quantum light emission and nanosecond spectral diffusion from cavity-embedded carbon nanotubes. Nano Letters

- Strong acoustic phonon localization in SWCNTs. ACS Nano

2D Material-Based Nanophotonics
- Transition Metal Dichalcogenides and Black Phosphorus
- Valleytronics with semiconducting TMDCs and their heterostructures
- Magneto-PL studies
- Investigation of the exciton (tightly bound electron-hole pair) photophysics at cryogenic and room temperatures.
- Cavity-emitter interaction: Weak (Purcell Effect) and the strong coupling regime.
- Hexagonal Boron Nitride (h-BN)
- Single-photon emitters (SPEs) in wide bandgap hBN
- Cavity quantum electrodynamics (cavity QED) with hBN SPEs