Students who meet the admission requirements are invited to sit an entrance exam. This exam will be given in two stages: a general culture and language exam and an interview.
General Culture and Language exam: Candidates are asked to translate a short text from their passive languages (B and C languages) to their native language (A language) and another text from their A language into their B language. The texts are not technical and do not require knowledge of the field or terminology, so no dictionaries are allowed Candidates will be assessed based on comprehension of the source text and the ability to reproduce clearly and accurately in the target language. Candidates must pass this exam to be invited to the interview.
Interview: The interview will include reproducing 3-4-minute long speeches consecutively, with or without taking notes in the declared language combination of the candidate (speeches from B and C languages into A language and speeches from A language into their B language). There will also be a short interview with the candidate. This stage intends to evaluate candidates’ comprehension, reproduction and overall communication skills along with general knowledge. Candidates must pass the interview to be admitted to the program.
All exams will take place at the Department of Translation and Interpretation, Bilkent University.
Adress: Merkez Kampüs L Binası, Bilkent
Applicants can learn their exam results by contacting the Department Secretariat.
They will also be informed via the e-mails they submitted during their application.
Phone: 0312 290 12 77