42. Greasy Cations Bind to Neutral Macromolecules in Aqueous Solution
U.E. Ertekin, H.I. Okur, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2024, 15, 6151-6157. (read more…)
41. Oil-in-Water Emulsions Probed Using Fluorescence Multivariate-Curve-Resolution Spectroscopy
G. Gundogdu, E. Yılmaz-Topuzlu, F. Mutlu, U. E. Ertekin, and H. I. Okur, Langmuir, 2024, xxx. (read more…)
40. Solvation Behavior of Elastin-like Polypeptides in Divalent Metal Salt Solutions
Y. Zhao, S. Bharadwaj, R.L. Myers, H.I. Okur, P.T. Bui, M. Cao, L.K. Welsh, T. Yang, P.S. Cremer, N.F.A. van der Vegt, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2023, 14, 45, 10113-10118
39. Ultrasensitive Label-Free Detection of Protein–Membrane Interaction Exemplified by Toxin-Liposome Insertion
T. W. Golbek, H. I. Okur, S. Kulik, J. Dedic, S. Roke, T. Weidner, Langmuir, 2023, 39, 18, 6447-6454
38. Ultrasensitive Label-Free Detection of Protein–Membrane Interaction Exemplified by Toxin-Liposome Insertion

T. Schönfeldová, H. I. Okur, V. Vezočnik, I. Iacovache, C. Cao, M. Dal Peraro, P. Maček, B. Zuber, S. Roke, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2022, 13, 14, 3197-3201
37. Weakly hydrated anions bind to polymers but not monomers in aqueous solutions

Brad A. Rogers, Halil I. Okur, Chuanyu Yan, Tinglu Yang, Jan Heyda, Paul S. Cremer, Nature Chemistry, 2022, 14, 40-45.
36. Role of Water in the Lyotropic Liquid Crystalline Mesophase of Lithium Salts and Non-ionic Surfactants
Ezgi Yılmaz-Topuzlu, Halil I. Okur, Burak Ulgut, Omer Dag, Langmuir, 2021, 37, 49, 14443–14453
35. Lipid Melting Transitions Involve Structural Redistribution of Interfacial Water

Tereza Schönfeldová, Paulina Piller, Filip Kovacik, Georg Pabst, Halil I. Okur, Sylvie Roke, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2021, 125, 45, 12457–12465.
34. Local Electric Fields in Aqueous Electrolytes

Chad I. Drexler, Olivia M. Cracchiolo, Ryan L. Myers, Halil I. Okur, Arnaldo L. Serrano, Steven A. Corcelli, Paul S. Cremer, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2021, 125, 30, 8484-8493.
33. Hyaluronan Orders Water Molecules in its Nanoscale Extended Hydration Shells
Jan Dedic, Halil I. Okur, Sylvie Roke, Science Advances, 2021, 7, eabf2558 (read more…)
32. Molecular Mechanism for the Interactions of Hofmeister Cations with Macromolecules in Aqueous Solution

Ellen E. Bruce, Halil I. Okur, Sina Stegmaier, Chad I. Drexler, Bradley A. Rogers, Nico F. A. van der Vegt, Sylvie Roke, Paul S. Cremer, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2020, 142, 45, 19094 – 19100. (read more…)
31. Surface Propensity of Anions in a Binary Ionic-Liquid Mixture Assessed by Full-Range Angle-Resolved X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Surface Tension Measurements
Erdinc Oz, Ozgur Sahin, Halil I. Okur, Sefik Suzer, Chem Phys Chem, 2020, 21, 2397 – 2401 (read more)
30. On the stability and necessary electrophoretic mobility of bare oil nanodroplets in water
Saranya Pullanchery, Serhii Kulik, Halil I. Okur, Hilton B. de Aguiar, Sylvie Roke, The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2020, 152, 241104. (read more)
29. Transient domains of ordered water induced by divalent ions lead to lipid membrane curvature fluctuations
Orly B. Tarun, Halil I. Okur, Padmini Rangamani, Sylvie Roke, Communications Chemistry, 2020, 3, 1, 1-8. (read more…)
2019 – 2010
28. Polyelectrolytes induce water-water correlations that result in dramatic viscosity changes and nuclear quantum effects

Jan Dedic, Halil I. Okur, Sylvie Roke, Science Advances, 2019, 5, 12, eaay1443.
27. Determination and Evaluation of the Nonadditivity in Wetting of Molecularly Heterogeneous Surfaces
Zhi Luo, Anna Murello, David M. Wilkins, Filip Kovacik, Joachim Kohlbrecher, Aurel Radulescu, Halil I. Okur, Sylvie Roke, Michele Ceriotti, and Francesco Stellacci, The Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences U.S.A., 2019, 116 (51) 25516-25523.
26. The Chemistry of Lipid Membranes – from Models to Living Systems: A Perspective of Hydration, Surface Potential, Curvature, Confinement and Heterogeneity

Halil I. Okur, Orly Tarun, Sylvie Roke The Journal of American Chemical Society, 2019, 141, 31, 12168-12181. (Perspective Article, Journal Cover) (read more…)
25. A Stepwise Mechanisms for Aqueous Two-phase System Formation in Concentrated Antibody Solutions
Bradley A. Rogers, Kelvin B. Rembert, Matthew F. Poyton, Halil I. Okur, Amanda R. Kale, Tinglu Yang, Jifeng Zhang, Paul S. Cremer The Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences U.S.A., 2019, 116, (32), 15784-15791.
24. Specific Ion Effects at the Interfaces of Nanometer-sized Droplets in Water: Structure and Stability

Evangelia Zdrali, Halil I. Okur, Sylvie Roke The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2019, 123, 27, 16621-16630.
23. The Diverse Nature of Ion Speciation at the Nanoscale Hydrophobic/Water Interface

Evangelia Zdrali, Marcel D. Baer, Halil I. Okur, Christopher J. Mundy and Sylvie Roke The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2019, 123, 10, 2414-2423.
22. Membrane – Protein – Hydration Interaction of a-Synuclein with Anionic Vesicles Probed via Angle-Resolved Second Harmonic Scattering

Jan Dedic, Sandra Rocha, Halil I. Okur, Pernilla Wittung-Stafshede and Sylvie Roke The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2019, 123, 5, 1044-1049.
21. The Jones-Ray effect is not caused by surface-active impurities.

Halil I. Okur, Chad I. Drexler, Eric Tyrode, Paul S. Cremer, Sylvie Roke The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2018, 9, 6739-6743.(read more…)
Follow the link to watch a short video describing this study from Chad Drexler. (link)
20. Hydration mediated interfacial transitions on mixed hydrophobic/ hydrophilic nanodroplet interfaces
Filip Kovacik, Halil I. Okur, Nikolay Smolentsev, Rüdiger Scheu, Sylvie Roke Journal of Chemical Physics, 2018, 149, 234704.
19. Zwitterionic and charged lipids form remarkably different structures on nanoscale oil droplets in aqueous solution

Yixing Chen, Halil I. Okur, Cornelis Luetgebaucks, Sylvie Roke Langmuir, 2018, 34 (3), 1042-1050.
18. Comment on water-water correlations in electrolyte solutions probed by hyper-Rayleigh scattering
Yixing Chen, Halil I Okur, Nathan Dupertuis, Jan Dedic, David M Wilkins, Michelle Ceriotti, Sylvie Roke Journal of Chemical Physics, 2018, 149, 167101.
17. Kinetically stable triglyceride-based nanodroplets and their interactions with lipid-specific proteins

Valerija Vezočnik, Vesna Hodnik, Simona Sitar, Halil I. Okur, Magda Tušek Žnidarič, Cornelis Lütgebaucks, Kristina Sepčić, Ksenija Kogej, Sylvie Roke, Ema Žagar, and Peter Macek Langmuir, 2018, 34, 30, 8983-8993.
16. Temperature dependence of molecular interactions in bulk water probed by femtosecond elastic second harmonic scattering
Yixing Chen, Nathan Dupertuis, Halil I. Okur, Sylvie Roke Journal of Chemical Physics, 2018, 148, 222835.
15. Beyond the Hofmeister series: ion-specific effects on proteins and their biological functions

Halil I. Okur, Jana Hladílková, Kevin B. Rembert, Younhee Cho, Jan Heyda, Joachim Dzubiella, Paul S. Cremer, Pavel Jungwirth The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2017, 121 (9), 1997-2014. (Featured article, Journal Cover)(read more…)
14. The Jones-Ray effect reinterpreted: surface tension minima of low ionic strength electrolyte solutions are caused by electric field induced water-water correlations

Halil I. Okur, Yixing Chen, David M. Wilkins, Sylvie Roke Chemical Physics Letters, 2017, 684, 433-442. (Frontier article, Journal Cover)(read more…)
13. Guanidinium can both cause and prevent the hydrophobic collapse of biomacromolecules

Jan Heyda‡, Halil I. Okur‡, Jana Hladílková, Kelvin B. Rembert, William Hunn, Tinglu Yang, Joachim Dzubiella, Pavel Jungwirth, Paul Cremer Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2017, 139 (2), 863-870. (‡ eq. cont. first authors)(read more…)
12. Interfacial structure and hydration of 3D-lipid monolayers in aqueous solution

Halil I. Okur, Yixing Chen, Nikolay Smolentsev, Evangelia Zdrali, Sylvie Roke The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2017, 121 (13), 2808-2813. (read more…)
11. Optical imaging of surface chemistry and dynamics in confinement
Carlos Macias-Romero, Igor Nahalka, Halil I. Okur, Sylvie Roke Science, 2017, eaal4346.
10. The molecular mechanism of nanodroplet stability

Evangelia Zdrali, Yixing Chen, Halil I. Okur, David M. Wilkins, Sylvie Roke ACS Nano, 2017, 11 (12), 12111–12120.
9. Orientational ordering of water in extended hydration shells of cations is ion-specific and correlates directly with viscosity and hydration free energy
Yixing Chen, Halil I. Okur, Chungwen Liang, Sylvie Roke Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2017, 19, 24678-24688.
8. Electrolytes induce long-range orientational order and free energy changes in the H-bond network of bulk water

Yixing Chen, Halil I. Okur, Nikolaos Gomopoulos, Carlos Macias-Romero, Paul S. Cremer, Poul B. Petersen, Gabriele Tocci, David M. Wilkins, Chungwen Liang, Michele Ceriotti, Sylvie Roke Science Advances, 2016, 2, 4, e1501891.
7. Intermolecular Headgroup Interaction and Hydration as Driving Forces for Lipid Transmembrane Asymmetry

Nikolay Smolentsev, Cornelis Luetgebaucks, Halil I. Okur, Alex G. F. De Beer, Sylvie Roke Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016, 138, 12, 4053-4060.
6. Three Dimensional Nano ‘Langmuir Trough’ for Lipid Studies

Yixing Chen, Kailash C. Jena, Cornelis Luetgebaucks, Halil I. Okur, Sylvie Roke Nano Letters, 2015, 15 (8), 5558-5563.
5. An NH Moiety is not Required for Anion Binding to Amides in Aqueous Solution

Kelvin B. Rembert, Halil I. Okur, Christian Hilty, Paul S. Cremer Langmuir, 2015, 31 (11), 3459-3464.
4. Cations bind only weakly to amides in aqueous solutions

Halil I. Okur, Jaibir Kherb, Paul S. Cremer Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2013, 135 (13), 5062-5067. (read more…)
3. Effect of end-group termination on salting-out constants for triglycine

Jana Hladílková, Jan Heyda, Kelvin B. Rembert, Halil I. Okur, Yadagiri Kurra, Wenshe R. Liu, Christian Hilty, Paul S. Cremer, Pavel Jungwirth The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2013, 4 (23), 4069-4073.
2. Reversal of the Hofmeister series: Specific Ion Effects on Peptides

Jana Paterova, Kelvin B. Rembert, Jan Heyda, Yadagiri Kurra, Halil I. Okur, Wenshe R. Liu, Christian Hilty, Paul S. Cremer, Pavel Jungwirth The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2013, 117 (27), 8150-8158.
1. Synthesis of Stable Mesostructured Coupled Semiconductor Thin Films: meso-CdS-TiO2 and meso-CdSe-TiO2

Halil I. Okur, Yurdanur Turker, Omer Dag Langmuir, 2010, 26 (1), 538-544. (read more…)