Get a Zoom Account

Visit or visit and click the “SIGN UP, ITS FREE” button on the top far right corner.

Sign up either by using your e-mail address or your Google/Facebook account.

You will receive an email from Zoom. Click the link in the email to access your new account. Fill in your details in the form. Please use your real name and surname!

You do not need to invite anyone at this time, you can skip the “Don’t Zoom Alone” step.

Now you have your own Zoom Meeting room. Its URL is shown on the “Start your test meeting” screen. Copy and save this address because this will be the address of your personal meeting room from on. To start your own meetings and invite people to join them, share this link with them.

Click the orange colored “Start Meeting Now” button. If you do not already have the Zoom software installed, you will be directed to a download page ( The server will detect your operating system and offer you an appropriate version for download.

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